Animal Protection
concerns us all!

We've done a lot ...
but there's so much more to be done!

Zorro's fate

There's hardly anything more curious than a tame bird. Everything that looks somehow interesting, that it likes, or that makes a sound is examined in detail. At home, funny situations may occur with our feathered friend. If you press the toilet flush in the presence of the bird, it watches intently where the water comes from. Everything is explored using the beak and the tongue after the bird has observed it attentively. If certain things repeat regularly, it quickly sees through the mechanism, It will eye a new toy suspiciously for some time and when it can't discover any danger it will explore the item, nibble it and taste it with it's tongue. Repeating certain movements regularly and speaking to the bird, it will become an excellent friend for loneliness.


An elderly lady, Mrs. Elisabeth B. from Vienna's 10th district, called us in despair one day, shortly before 3 P.M. She had brought her bird to the veterinary hospital for treatment the day before. Today she could have gotten it back but her daughter had to go to the hospital too, so she couldn't fetch it. She is very attached to her 'Zorro' and feels such lonelyness without it. Even as she is not a member, she asks us to help her. As the bird station of the hospital closes at 4 P.M. a swift decision is needed. We had founded 'Animal Protection concerns us all!' with exactly this idea in mind: to help needy, helpless people and their animals. We neither have an ambulance nor a rescue team but in this situation one of our staff immediately went to the hospital in her car and picked up the little 'Zorro' in time.


The bird was already excited in its tranport box and seemed to be waiting eagerly to meet its owner and friend again. When we entered the apartment, Mrs. B. opened the box with tears in her eyes. Her 'Zorro' immediately took off for its cage like the youngest and healthiest Quarrion in the world, even as it was already 20 years old. And from there it greeted its friend with loud chirping. Such beautiful moments give us strength, desire and conviction again to continue on our way. Our representative has found out in a long talk with Mrs. B. that she had financial difficulties and many problems. So, we decided to relieve part of her sorrows paying the hospital bill. She was very surprised and delighted.
