Animal Protection
concerns us all!

We've done a lot ...
but there's so much more to be done!

Misty's fate

A middle aged lady, Mrs. Erika Z. from Wolkersdorf, called us crying one morning. Our staff member could barely understand her between fits of crying. She said she was just holding our letter in her hand and was very sad because she had to have her preferred cat Misty who suffered from leucosis put to sleep.

She told us that very few of the people around her understood her mourning. Not even her parents did! She was just looking for some understanding and consolation.

After some deliberation we learned that she had sent us a letter of cancellation after having signed on as a sponsor for she was in financial difficulties. The letter she held in her hand was our confirmation of cancellation where we offered her support whenever she needed us. She didn't want financial aid. She justed needed somebody who listened and gave her consolation. So you see: It can be of great help just to listen to people and share their feelings for animals, be it pain or joy.
