Animal Protection
concerns us all!

We've done a lot ...
but there's so much more to be done!

The rabbit whisperer

An astounding personality lives among us: May we present Ms. Hasen-Traude, the rabbit whisperer.


It's not always good looking men who merit the title of Animal (Horse-) Whisperers. Not at all! May I pretend that more than 90% of them are the exact opposite ? I'm speaking of a retired person who isn't exactly bursting with health and, despite her minimal pension and the lack of a husband or other help, cares for more than 36 rabbits day after day.


Who ever spoke with this woman and saw her in her element comes to understand what great thing happens between her and her flock of rabbits. How she lives and speaks with her animals, cares for broken paws and boils on ears and elsewhere. How she answers calls from foreigners who ask for her help because the vet is at the end of his wits. So, during many years, thanks to her expertise, she provided many an animal condemned to die with some more good time on earth.

It's admirable without doubt to share one's life with animals in this way. But she profits equally: When there are successful healings

and she has once again managed to save an animal's life, she feels such happiness and joie de vivre that this in itself feeds her involvement. So, her commitment is just natural to her.


What I admire the most is that she not only lives with her animals but also prepares them for their last journey when their time is up. The rabbit in question is cradled in the arms of Ms. Polacek, pacified by Bach blossoms, soft music and candle light until it goes to sleep peacefully.


Her only concern is that most of her rabbits are still rescued from laboratories. AND, for all drivers: 100 rabbits die on the roads of Austria every day. So every fifth rabbit is killed by a car instead of a hunter. And, by the way ... some people still seem to EAT these lovely animals.


As a measure of emergency aid, "Animal Protection concerns us all!" financed the necessary investments to maintain this paradise and, from now on, will support Ms. Polacek regularly in her efforts.
